Crédit photo : Christophe Roberge
Muriel Lassagne has loved arts and crafts in all forms since her childhood. It is certain that creativity, authenticity, attention to detail and taking her time are all fundamental parts of her personality. When she discovered the creation of stained glass in 2006, the universe of light, colour and texture that characterizes glass immediately captivated her. She knew that glass would become a big part of her life and she saw herself growing older in a beautiful, luminous atelier close to nature, her primary source of inspiration. Muriel shows interest in design, arts and architecture and gets her inspiration from artistic current like Art Nouveau or Mid-Century Modern. Finally, Muriel has been practicing slow living for many years, synonymous for her with balance, well-being, minimalism and simplicity. She transposes her values ​​into her creations by being connected to her intuitions and her heart. Based in Lac-Mégantic, the first Cittaslow city in Quebec, the craftswoman passes on her expertise by offering introductory courses in stained glass in partnership with Quartier Artisan.
Update the art of stained glass by offering modern creations. By embellishing interiors with a touch of beauty, light and color, MuniVerre contributes to the art of living and well-being.
Authenticity and integrity
Authenticity and integrity are fundamental values here at MuniVerre. As much throughout production, as decision making or the relationships the enterprise has with its clients and partners.
Simplicity and balance
At MuniVerre, well-being is of the utmost importance and can be noticed through the simplicity and balance that is present in the refined designs of the pieces.
Renewal and nature
Nature is at the heart of our inspiration here at MuniVerre, should it be through organic shapes, colours or the vital energy present in the pieces. Also, as an artisanal business from the XXIth century that proposes durable, handmade products, MuniVerre advocates for a certain ‘slowing down’ of our world by participating in renewal for the construction of a better place, more in synch with our environment.
Joy and humanity
The art of stained glass has been synonymous of colour, light and beauty for 1000 years. From places of worship to homes, the appreciation of stained glass brings us straight into the present moment and allows us to feel great joy and amazement.
MuniVerre makes eco-responsible products.
Muriel warmly thanks the talented Mariane Bertrand for the construction of the website and the first-hour photos, as well as Christophe Roberge, photographer with a magic eye.